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Full Version: Moving Ragdolls and Cuffed/Tied Players
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Title: Moving Ragdolls and Cuffed/Tied Players

Add the ability to move ragdolls as well as cuffed or tied people.

How should it be implemented?:
When you've got a ragdoll, you should be able to hold rightclick on them and drag them around.
When you have someone tied/cuffed, you should be able to hold rightlick on them like before and push them in front of you or -in the case of tied- drag them along. When in this position and looking at a car, you should be able to select from a few options including: "Put in trunk" "Put in seat 1"
"Put in seat 2" "Put in seat 3" "Put in seat 4" "Put in seat 5"

It is really a pain in the ass to wake people up from tazed/unconcious or in case of an injured man, to simply put them in your car. If they are concious you even have to uncuff them. In real life you can just push them.
+Support, I think this is a duplicate suggestion.
+Support, also dont let cuffed/roped people exit out of a car if its locked.
It would be quite nice to be able to put hostages ina trunjk/rear seat or move a cuffed suspect. But the cuffed/roped etc. person would still need to be able to move on its own once it has been placed/is not in movement. Otherwise i could imagine people abusing this sort of movemebt to move people into the water, onto a road or in the gas chamber etc.
Probably bind it to a rep or limit it to specific job groups (wouldnt change too much but could be an attempte to prevent those issue in small scale)
(Jun 21, 2016, 10:29 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]+Support, I think this is a duplicate suggestion.

Yes, I have made a similar suggestion about handcuffed people, however this focuses more on ragdolls and what normal non-gov. people can do with other players.
Poll Added.

Please add your Support as soon as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation.
we will add it slightly different.
Thank you for your suggestion.

Little bit late, but huge +support
Ragdolls can be moved now.
A system to move cuffed players is in the works.

Moving to finished.