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Full Version: [In-Game] Panic Button / Emergency Alarm
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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>

In detail, explain your suggestion: There are many situations in-game which you need to call the police but can't due to the pressures of the raiders or robbers. But that's not how it always goes is it? For an example I'll go with Bank RP because the panic button mostly fits with that kind of roleplay. So let's say you're behind the counter, having a normal day and then 4 masked guys enter the bank. You can call the police but that'll just get you further in trouble won't it? But if you had a panic button, like most banks have in real life it would make it more realistic and probably save the money of your clients. It would also increase the risk of just busting in and robbing a place.

How should the developers add this? (BE DETAILED WITH EVERYTHING!)
The Panic button should work like a Fire Alarm which you can place on the counter or any where you wish and send a short but descriptive message to the government like the Life Alert and Fire Alarm does.

To reduce the risk of baiting police or abusing it here I my recommendations:
  • 1 General REP requirement. Just like the sign.
  • Cost: 20k
  • A way to counter it with ECM Jammers (Thanks for suggesting it PaulB)

Why should this be implemented?

Adding this will mostly increase Bank and Store roleplays also adding a risk for robbers.
It can also be used in situations like the ones in this suggestion:

For example, it can be used by the president as well when he is in trouble in his office or in his lake-side house.

I'd also like to thank Project for helping me with a few details!
+ Support
+Support maybe also add the possibility to write your own text. I think this would help the police a lot if they know if there's a bank robbery or a "normal" raid
+ Support some sort of counter for the robbers, like the ECM Jammer where it could disable it for around 30s?
+support This is really needed
+ support
Is it because i robbed your clothing store ? But yea really +Support
+ support of the idea

- support on the idea of the EMC jammer can counter the panic button(it is not realistic i think) there can have a way to disable it nut not the EMC.

It'll ruin my security company! Panic Buttons are our bread and butter!
(May 31, 2016, 01:27 PM)Cunix Wrote: [ -> ]+Support maybe also add the possibility to write your own text. I think this would help the police a lot if they know if there's a bank robbery or a "normal" raid
+support, I think it'll help a lot for passive RP. A sense of safety while they run the store.
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