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Here you can find useful guides and information regarding the job of President.

The President is the highest position in the government body. Upon joining this job, he will be located on the top floor of the Town-hall accommodated with the Vice President and his Secret Service Squad. Some of his duties include managing taxes, keeping crime rate low and keeping his citizens satisfied. The president also holds the power to make city wide announcements, sign warrants and impose new laws.

The president, if he wishes so, can become a dictator (as long as he gets staff permission due to rule 11.8), this allows him to impose far stricter laws, at times even denying people their basic human rights but that might result in him being forced out of office.

Upon joining the job, you will receive a 2 minute (120 second) immunity to all damage. This is not so you can run round like a wild man but to prevent any prior raids from any previous presidents from instantly killing you. If you do however die after the 2-minute immunity, you will be removed from the job position and made a citizen.

While in this position, you will notice a little box appear in the bottom right-hand corner. These are warrant requests from the S.W.A.T. and Police. To accept these, simply open up your chat as if you are about to type and your cursor is able to highlight over the green tick and red cross. Simply press the tick to accept the warrant and the cross to deny them. On arrest warrants, upon pressing the tick you will be allowed to choose 4 different arrest times.
These are: 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes. You are able to alert the citizens about the dangerous man by doing /wanted <player/id>. If there is no President or Vice President, the warrants will be forwarded to the Police Chief to handle.

To create laws, type /addlaw <text> of what you wish the law to be filled with. This will automatically list the laws on the F1 Menu and when players use the command /laws. To decorate the law board to make it look slightly more clear and clean you can write “TITLE” before you write any laws, it will automatically make that lime a bigger and bolder font to allow for titles and headings to be displayed.

You are able to hire people who are not default working with the government by giving them certain passes. These passes are Red (Presidential Company), Green (Visitor), Blue (Government Worker) and Orange (Law Enforcement Officer). These give special perks to the user to allow them to have access to certain parts of the government such as being able to use a Taser, accessing the Police Database and even simply showing it to the Police or SWAT to gain access to the Police Department. Alternatively, you can use these passes to represent gun licenses or similar if clearly stated in your laws.

Last modified: le 2018/11/06 20:56