General Commands

This commands can help you make your experience more in-depth.

Thanks to Lord Octagon for this.


Draws a card from a deck. Similar to /roll.


Allows you to check the current tax rate.


Using this command will display in console a list of ingredients and the amounts of them that you need to make meth.


Prints a list of all commands you have access to; printed in your console.


You can use /countdown (number) to countdown from a number
You can choose numbers between 1-60
Example: “/countdown 3”

/door <purchase/sell/access/color/sellall>

This provides an alternative way to control doors.


Turns emotes on/off; it is set to off by default.

/getid <player name>

This will allow you to view the unique ID of a player. This changes every time they join the server.

/giveid | /showid | /passport

This shows your ID to the player you are currently looking at.

/hud pos <number>

This changes the position of your HUD. The default is 10.


Displays all of the current laws in the chat box.


Opens up a labeled map of Rockford.

/hud minimal

Shrinks the HUD. Use it again to restore it.


This will open a report GUI. You are able to select the name of a player you wish to report and explain the situation. Do not misuse this.


You can use /roll to get a random chance for something.
You can choose numbers between 1-999
Example: “/roll 100”

/team <team>

An alternative to changing jobs through the F1 Menu.