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Secret Service Agent

Hour Requirement 0
Requires Membership No
Income ***


The lead agent of the Presidential Secret Service Detail, ensuring that the President stays safe.


The Secret Service are tasked with securing the location of those two individuals, and following whatever orders are given to them. They may be asked to help escort visitors up to the President’s office for example, or even scout areas/locations where the (Vice) President may want to pay a visit.

If there’s no President or Vice President, then they tend to patrol the presidential floor and town hall, keeping it secure from any intruders until a President or Vice President comes into power.


Command Description
/backup Request backup from all other officials.
/panic Send a panic message to all other officials.
/passlist Prints a list of players with passes.
/pursuit This will radio in a pursuit message. Before using this command, be sure to scan the car you wish to initiate a pursuit with.
/warrant <player/id> <search/arrest> <reason> Warrants a player for a search or arrest.
/unwarrant <player/id> Removes a warrant that a player has.
/weppos Opens a HUD to set the position of your weapon when attached to your model.