====Welcome to Limelight's wiki====
Limelight currently offers two services, the forums and CityRP 2, which is a gamemode in Garry's Mod. Below you can find information on both services that will hopefully make it easier for you to use them in the future.
* **[[public:CityRP 2]]**
* [[public:Jobs]]
* [[public:Vehicles]]
* [[public:Commands]]
* [[public:Items]]
* [[public:Maps]]
* **[[https://limelightgaming.net/forums/|Forums]]**
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**If unsure on how to create or edit pages and you are interested in contributing to the wiki, please go to __[[playground:playground]]__ and use __[[https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax]]__ if wanting to learn how to edit and create pages correctly without messing something up by accident. **
Please name any photographs you upload properly, the filename should describe what they are showing, for example, vehicles photos should be named something like this:\\
This is needed so photographs are not a unrecognisable mess.
Same goes for how many pictures are uploaded per vehicle, all we need is a front left picture, a back right picture and possibly 2 more with the ELS module on and activated.