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Unban Noot Noot - Printable Version

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Unban Noot Noot - H4MZ4 - May 13, 2016

Your Name: Noot Noot

Ban ID: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]2886[/font]

Banned by: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][L²] Enzyme[/font]

Server: V33X

Ban Reason: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]BRA#9902. FearRP. 9th ban. Repeated history of FearRP.[/font]

Why should you be unbanned?: The guy is pissed because he didn't get his way, he pulled a tazor, and I had no gun out, OK, then I run back out of his sight, he loses focuses and looks at the other guy, then since he was not looking at me and not enforcing anything on me, I had my chance to pull a gun. Not FearRP, he focus was not on me, it's like a Officer loosing focuses and looks at someone, then they don't realise the other person has run away and pulled a gun, it can happen.

Evidence: [Image: 2259949dee9d2dd0576d6ef8016abf3a.jpg]
Guy got his focus on me, I pull no gun

[Image: 2cb8b9fa70ce8ac0a8141ee81bd28247.jpg]
I make my move and swiftly move away from him

[Image: b1de3817fc8576c0b9a3f0b0c9bc32f2.jpg]
Still got his focus on me with a taser

[Image: 8bd4e25cb79fb6d2de8bbd7869dbc8dd.gif]
He loses his focus and I make my move back

[Image: 010c4dbd3b5f4dc94f5ee651d1ff7bed.png]
Not even  focusing that I moved away, at this point I could pull a gun since he lost his focus. Could happen in real life if they lose focus and the suspect pulls a gun taking advantage that they have loss that concentration for a few seconds

[Image: e3045392518a29bc263d4d3484c7caca.png]
By the short time he realises, he goes 3rd person where you can clearly see my shadow has it;s gun out, therefor taken advantage of the officer loosing focus, not FearRP at all since the officer has lost his focus

[Image: f39582b25a3a5b69cf2bce486234e166.gif]
BANG - he is dead

Therefore by analysing the video he provided, it concludes that his loss of focus gives me the advantage of being able to sneak out a weapon as he lost his focus for them vital seconds. His report for FearRP is invalid, and the death is his own fault.

It's all about the timing

RE: Unban Noot Noot - Enzyme - May 17, 2016


I'll give you the benefit of doubt here, as you've put proper effort into your UBR and raising some valid points.
I'll ask that you are more careful in the future though as you have a big history of fearRP breakage and that someone looking away for 0.3 of a second doesn't really cancel fearRP. I also want to remind you that killing someone is a last resort.