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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - ChaoticFuzionz - May 12, 2016

Your Name: ChaoticFuzionz

Ban ID: 2111

Banned by: [L²] George

Server: V33X

Ban Reason: 'Hacks'

Why should you be unbanned?: I was wrongly accused of hacking, I was given information by an Admin that I attempted to access a Developer Tool as soon as they added it, I took no part in this apparent 'Hacking' And had almost 200 hours on the Server and I was a Loyal player, I've never had an issues or previous bans on the server and would like to discuss this further with an Admin, I was banned a long time ago and the Admins were refusing to listen to me and were only telling me to just admit something that I never did, I miss the server a lot and would like to speak to an admin about this ban.

Evidence: There is no evidence of this other than there was a new Developer Tool added and I somehow managed to apparently access it in the logs, It was clearly bugged and there is no evidence of me actually hacking.

P.S. I am very sorry for my last argument on the forums, I was really angry for being banned for this but I hope you guys can look further into this 

RE: Unban Request - Enzyme - May 12, 2016

This is your third UBR:


Quote:Rules for an unban request:

Bantime over 1 year - You are allowed to post an unban request 3 months after the first denial, then every 8 months after the previous unban denials.


Closing notes: User found guilty of breaking the courthouse-rules.