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Report - LUMP_ioch - Printable Version

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Report - LUMP_ioch - PapiDonuts - May 6, 2016

Name of Player: LUMP_ioch

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55123876

Server: v33x

Time: Around 5-6 PM. 

Summary: Well, the fireman was purposly ramming my Lamborghini as i was on the correct side of the road, so i decided to get out of my vehicle to try to talk to him, but at this point he was facing me and i was facing him across the street and i just felt that he was going to CDM me as he was purposly ramming my vehicle aswell, a few minutes later he drives into both me and a Anarchist that stood next to me. 


RE: Report - LUMP_ioch - Ollie630 - May 6, 2016

Lump also CDM'ed me whilst ramming me with his firetruck.

RE: Report - LUMP_ioch - ownagesrule - May 7, 2016

Today i also saw him dissconect to avoid arrest after randomly hitting an officer

RE: Report - LUMP_ioch - Vauld - May 12, 2016

Player blacklisted for CDM.
