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Player Report: watchme (and possibly The Demonic Knight.) - Printable Version

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Player Report: watchme (and possibly The Demonic Knight.) - Realize - May 5, 2016

Name of Player: watchme (And possibly The Demonic Knight.)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:87123397 (watchme) STEAM_0:0:80716567 (The Demonic Knight)

Server: v33x

Time: GMT +1

Summary: I walked in through the bank that was being robbed by watchme. He was a citizen, with a revolver. It is FailRP at it's best. In the video, The Demonic Knight can be seen shooting watchme, to save me and the gun dealer from the robbing. Also, watchme tried to rob for items. I told him he can't do that.

Evidence: Video: 

RE: Player Report: watchme (and possibly The Demonic Knight.) - Barkles - May 5, 2016


Watchme banned for Robbing as a civ

demonic for FearRP