The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Vaq - May 3, 2016
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Toxic - May 3, 2016
Tsk tsk tsk
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Vaq - May 3, 2016
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Enzyme - May 3, 2016
AERIS can confirm that a meeting took place May 2, 2016 at the old motel.
It's not abnormal for AERIS to have meetings with someone at private locations, especially if they wish to remain anonymous as the person shown to be in a white mask did. The person in a mask contacted me regarding a meeting and I showed up. He then tried to get information out of me while threatening me with a knife, saying that I should tell him secret information; otherwise he'd hurt me. I informed him that I had two armed men outside who I could contact if he continued to make threats and I disarmed the man before releasing him and warning him that he shouldn't make threats against me in the future. It's come to my attention that EvoCity Times and other powers are trying to bring AERIS in a bad light in whatever way they can, and it's clear that something is going on.
We believe that EvoCity Times should rather focus on more important topics such as bringing light to the corruption that has plagued our government for long. We're surprised that EvoCity Times has paid no attention to the actions we've taken to fight corruption within the government so everyone can feel like they're protected by the government, and not hunted by it. More information regarding our efforts to fight corruption within the government can be found here:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding AERIS and our operations then you're free to contact me:
Email: (ForumPM)
Phone-number: 48112325 (/pm ingame)
Erik DeFynne
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Vaq - May 3, 2016
(May 3, 2016, 02:10 AM)Enzyme Wrote: AERIS can confirm that a meeting took place May 2, 2016 at the old motel.
It's not abnormal for AERIS to have meetings with someone at private locations, especially if they wish to remain anonymous as the person shown to be in a white mask did. The person in a mask contacted me regarding a meeting and I showed up. He then tried to get information out of me while threatning me with a knife, saying that I should tell him secret information; otherwise he'd hurt me. It's come to my attention that EvoCity Times and other powers are trying to bring AERIS in a bad light in whatever way they can.
We believe that EvoCity Times should rather focus on more important topics such as bringing light to the corruption that has plagued our government for long. We're surprised that EvoCity Times has paid no attention to the actions we've taken to fight corruption within the government so everyone can feel like they're protected by the government, and not hunted by it. More information regarding our efforts to fight corruption within the government can be found here:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding AERIS and our operations then you're free to contact me:
Email: (ForumPM)
Phone-number: 48112325 (/pm ingame)
Erik DeFynne
CEO AERIS EvoCity News Reporter:
"Do you have any kind of evidence? It seems prominent you are trying to cover yourselves after having the spotlight shined on your criminal activities."
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Enzyme - May 3, 2016
We're not trying to cover up anything. Our government contract was carried out and there are several witnesses who can confirm it took place and that it was a success as claimed. I understand that AERIS is a big target in the media due to our presence and secrecy around operations. Since we're often asked to be discrete we don't leave a lot of trails behind nor capture evidence of us conducting the operations. Previous operations that we've conducted has been to overthrow a dictatorship and freeing citizens from the oppression.
I understand that since we're in the limelight in media, we have to capture evidence of us conducting operations to prove our innocence when confronted with false claims. We'll try to be more transparent when it comes to our operations, but we will not sacrifice policy about being discrete when someone asks us to be.
Erik DeFynne
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Vaq - May 3, 2016
(May 3, 2016, 02:38 AM)Enzyme Wrote: Reply:
We're not trying to cover up anything. Our government contract was carried out and there are several witnesses who can confirm it took place and that it was a success as claimed. I understand that AERIS is a big target in the media due to our presence and secrecy around operations. Since we're often asked to be discrete we don't leave a lot of trails behind nor capture evidence of us conducting the operations. Previous operations that we've conducted has been to overthrow a dictatorship and freeing citizens from the oppression.
I understand that since we're in the limelight in media, we have to capture evidence of us conducting operations to prove our innocence when confronted with false claims. We'll try to be more transparent when it comes to our operations, but we will not sacrifice policy about being discrete when someone asks us to be.
Erik DeFynne
Thank you for that input, would you like to comment on the fact that one of your members were buying from a Black Market Dealer?
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Enzyme - May 3, 2016
I'm not aware of one of my members breaking any laws by purchasing from a Black Market Dealer.
I don't believe that he had any intention of breaking any laws, nor to use anything for criminal activity. This is however something that I'll look into personally.
I feel that the media is trying to put us in a bad light just because exciting headlines sell. I urge the EvoCity Times to bring their focus towards more important matters such as claims against the government being corrupt and the large crime-wave that has hit Evocity, and what steps the government is taking to try to put an end to it.
Erik DeFynne
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Enzyme - May 3, 2016
Due to the claims against AERIS, I've decided to release a recording of my conversation with the now deceased President. This is to prove that what we've explained is the truth and not a cover-up. We hope that this will clear up any confusion and misunderstandings.
I hope that The EvoCity Times will show some more faith in Aeris next time we're accused of committing hostile and criminal actions inside the city.
Recording [PRESS PLAY]:
*Recording starts*
*Broadcast is played*: Get out of the fucking jails.
*DeFynne dials the President after getting his number from a meeting that took place earlier*
- DeFynne: Have a problem with the jails eh?
- President: Corrupt officers going to get bribe money. So forth. *deep sigh*
- DeFynne: Let Aeris deal with it then!
- President: How would Aeris deal with it?
- DeFynne: I'd catch corrupt officers.
- President: Is Aeris really that good?
- DeFynne: Up for you to find out.
- President: Well let's say, I have this SWAT who has been accused of corruption. Think you could prove or get rid of those claims? He's in the jails, as far as I know.
- DeFynne: I'll look into him. What's his name?
- President: Shay Shnider.
*Phone is hung up on*
Narration: The SWAT agent is investigated, and is eventually offered a bribe. The agent remains silent before and denying the expensive bribe. -
- DeFynne: Order him to bring us up to you
- President: Him to my office?
- DeFynne: Him and i, he has me detained
*A faint voice can be heard emitting from the SWAT agents radio:*
"SWAT, bring Mr. DeFynne to my office."
Narration: The situation is then explained. I explain how the investigation was done and that the SWAT agent failed to agree to a very generous bribe. I continue to elaborate as to why I think that the claims against the agent are false. I take the elevator down to investigate the situation in jails
*Text message from the President:*
"Well, look at that. Aeris really can do what they claim."
Narration: I then move to investigate the situation in Jail, and after conducting the investigation I detain two officers with the help of a different SWAT agent.
*Text message to the President*
"I got two gifts"
*Reply from the President*
*recording ends*
OOC Logs:
v33x [21:19:14] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) used command: broadcast Get out of the fucking jails.
v33x [21:20:12] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /pm corg Have a problem with the jails eh?
v33x [21:20:24] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzy Corrupt officers going to get bribe money. So forth.
v33x [21:24:33] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) used command: pm corg Let Aeris deal with it then!
v33x [21:24:48] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzy How would Aeris deal with it?
v33x [21:25:30] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /pm corg I'd catch corrupt officers.
v33x [21:25:40] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzy Is Aeris really that good?
v33x [21:25:49] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /r Up for you to find out.
v33x [21:26:55] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzy Well let's say, I have this SWAT who has been accused of corruption. Think you could prove or get rid of those claims?
v33x [21:27:19] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzy He's in the jails, as far as I know.
v33x [21:28:03] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /pm corg I'll look into him. What's his name?
v33x [21:28:13] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) used command: pm enzyme Shay Shnider.
v33x [21:30:21] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /pm corg Order him to bring us up to you
v33x [21:30:39] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzyme Him to my office?
v33x [21:30:47] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /r Him and i, he has me detained
v33x [21:30:51] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) used command: radio SWAT, bring Mr. DeFynne to my office.
v33x [21:35:26] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzyme Well, look at that. Aeris really can do what they claim.
v33x [21:40:30] [L²] Enzyme (STEAM_0:0:31154034) said: /pm corg I got two gifts
v33x [21:40:37] ExorbitantCorgi (STEAM_0:1:59595937) said: /pm enzyme Wonderful.
Erik DeFynne
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Zyth - May 25, 2016
LL Co is coming back (maybe)
I love that newspaper at the top. The rest is a bit mediocre. Sorry to be harsh :/
RE: The EvoCity Times, Edition 1, May 2, 2016 - Innovative - May 26, 2016
$4.50 WTF
I Like it, keep it up