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Unban request - Printable Version

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Unban request - GIO3600 - May 2, 2016

[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Your Name: GIO3600

Ban ID: d/c to avoid arrest

Banned by: Who issued the ban?  [L²:M]Byrnn

Server: it happened on Rockford

Ban Reason: apparently d/c to avoid arrest

Why should you be unbanned?: I'm playin on a bad laptop right now and my game  crashes quite often. So when the police officer went to taze me it made my game  freeze. It froze for like a min. So  then i decided to just restart my pc and so  i  disconnected. The conclusion is that  i didn't mean to disconnect from  the server so i'm askin if you could  unban me. Wink


RE: Unban request - Brynn - May 3, 2016


Make sure to use the correct template (which you have for the most part) and make sure to fill it out correctly. Ban ID can be found on the ban page and Banned by should be [L²] Brynn