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Player Report: Timo - Printable Version

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Player Report: Timo - Katyusha - Apr 25, 2016

Name of Player: Timo

SteamID: "Timo" STEAM_0:0:79566505

Server: V33X

Time: 2 Minutes before this Post

Summary: The player is seen Stepping on the corpse of another player, and also punching it. This was after he broke FearRP, I had him at gunpoint, he drew an MP5 and injured me( This was not captured as my recording software wasn't on at the time.) He proceeded to stand around calling paramedics, then step on my corpse and punch me.

Evidence: [Image: DF2FD6BAC51DDF586CB87DE4B5857ED2150AEA37][Image: 602C7253ADB353540698CE0AE8299F2FE9527C20][Image: 5EDC3DF32F3EA30C2C711BFA4CC2A35BBC94687D]

RE: Player Report: Timo - Venom - Apr 28, 2016

Due to logs not logging this, denied. If possible try and get their name on the screen next time.