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Report on bananen_ephihal - Printable Version

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Report on bananen_ephihal - Kridas - Apr 25, 2016

Name of Player: bananen_ephihal

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26810803

Server: v2b

Time: 17:30

Summary: I was a gun dealer selling ammunition to his undercover buddy, when he rushed in room and arrested me for selling ammunition as a gun dealer. I believe this is FailRP, because he is stopping me from doing my job. Also I would like to point out there were no laws, which would ban selling ammunition.

RE: Report on bananen_ephihal - Enzyme - Apr 25, 2016

Police are allowed to arrest dealers.

Police can arrest BMDs for selling illegal goods and so can Police, it often just depends on the laws
I don't know if he had any other reasons for arresting you, but this doesn't seem like anything that's worth issuing a suspension for. The best solution is just to deal with this in-character next time.
