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Report: LvPlayZ - Printable Version

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Report: LvPlayZ - Scrotonium - Apr 23, 2016

Name of Player: LvPlayZ

[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]SteamID: STEAM_0:1:96842160[/font]

[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Server: V33X[/font]

[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Time: 12:45[/font]

Summary: Basically he cant drive. I was driving on the main road past the gas station and he pulled out in front of me, causing a crash. My car due to this crash was destroyed so I went out and talked to him. Things escalated and he wouldn't pay for compensation so I took his life. He then shortly after called me a "Son of a bitch" and a "prick". This isnt the first time either. He is really salty and has almost 300 hours


[Image: E6B2CDB5CA430BFEC797F3F1728C445CF9937BB7]
Translates to "Son of a bitch"

[Image: 5011280D84F4E97D4BC337D06542DE4A0CB2AAF4]

RE: Report: LvPlayZ - SirApex - Apr 23, 2016

Ok yes I did call him that but you can't kill me just cuse you ramed your car in me. What happend - I was driving to the gas station and then he ran in me in high speeds when I was turning in the gas station. Then he killed me.

RE: Report: LvPlayZ - Taylor - Apr 23, 2016

-Involved: Witness-

From what I saw, you two had a collision which resulted in your killing him, as a citizen. Which in itself is FailRP, which led to him disrespecting you. c:

RE: Report: LvPlayZ - Safira - Apr 23, 2016


Player was found to have broken Rule 5.2 and 5.6. Suspension from OOC will be applied for 2 hours.
I also took the witness' account into consideration and had a dig trough the logs. There is no evidence of the accusing party changing their job to an underground one, or one which would warrant them to kill another person with an axe. Punishment will therefore be issued for them, too.