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Sedative - Nev - Apr 20, 2016


Additional item that can be used with placed food.


Nitrazepam + Biomedical Enzymes in Laboratory = Sedative Vial

Sedative Vial + Food (Placed) will act as a sedative and as a non-lethal alternative to the poison. This can instead be more useful in situations where you need to kidnap someone.

RE: Sedative - Toxic - Apr 20, 2016


RE: Sedative - Cunix - Apr 20, 2016


RE: Sedative - Stomm - Apr 20, 2016

+Support for the basic idea

Not a fan of the way its made though. Maybe nitrazepam+Biomedical Enzymes would you give some sedative vials?

(And then later use those vials + something else to make darts if wanted)

RE: Sedative - Welker - Apr 20, 2016

+support ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RE: Sedative - Nev - Apr 20, 2016

(Apr 20, 2016, 07:13 AM)Stomm Wrote: +Support for the basic idea

Not a fan of the way its made though. Maybe nitrazepam+Biomedical Enzymes would you give some sedative vials?

(And then later use those vials + something else to make darts if wanted)

updated suggestion, had a brainfart and forgot about nitrazepam

RE: Sedative - Safira - Apr 20, 2016


Finally, make Nitrazepam do what I (and probably a lot of others once thought, too) thought it does: put others to sleep!

RE: Sedative - Enzyme - Apr 21, 2016


Inb4 ChickenCoup tries do daterape me with this though.

RE: Sedative - Cooli - Apr 25, 2016


RE: Sedative - Vauld - Apr 26, 2016

Oh man this would be wonderful, +support

RE: Sedative - Lizard - Apr 26, 2016

+Support We need this!

RE: Sedative - Overlewd - Apr 26, 2016

+support, especially if the ragdoll dragging mechanic is added to non-firemen so this can be used more effectively

RE: Sedative - Dick - Apr 26, 2016


RE: Sedative - Project - May 7, 2016


RE: Sedative - Brynn - Jul 14, 2016

Please vote, poll added.