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<::|| F.I Update | General | 18-04-2016 ||::> - Printable Version

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<::|| F.I Update | General | 18-04-2016 ||::> - Dick - Apr 19, 2016

[Image: RCy6nPZ.gif]

Good Evening,
My name is Officer Barzinio, and I would like to announce some recent updates. If you have any questions regarding the information below, you will be able to inquire under the update thread via reply; this is a trial run of the new update system to display the various changes which have been brought to FUMUKU International.
1. New FUMUKU Threading Block
As part of FUMUKU International, I'd like to announce our new office block for potential, new and current employees, and even just visitors, most likely yourself. This area was created by LightLime Websitting LTD. We'd like to thank them for this service to us, and we to recommend this experienced group to anyone who is looking to establish a new office area. Thanks to this amazing new facility, we have forwarded our resources, and the Legal Department and I will ensure that they are maintained and look as aesthetically pleasing as possible!
Let's explain the threads and sections you will be able to access as a Visitor to the Office Block. First and foremost, the Employee's only Sector; this is for the employees to write and discuss various topics, and to read up on the FUMUKU International Employee Terms of Employment and Code of Conduct. This area is classified and unauthorized release of infromation from said area will lead to an Article 14 and terminantion of employment with FUMUKU. Next, we have a brand new Feedback Department where we'd like to listen to your feedback whether it be positive feedback, constructive feedback or negative feedback in regards to the services we offer.

Additionally, we have our "Legal Contracts" area. Here we will list our legal contracts that are available for purchase, as well as potential services we're able to provide. These will normally be posted by an employee of FUMUKU International, and then locked and authorised by a senior committee member (Blackdog, Toxic or Sours). Last but not least, we have the Employment Applications thread. This thread holds - as it says - the content which will enable visitors like yourself to apply for a position within our corporation. If you are interested in joining the FUMUKU Interational Employment Program, don't be afraid to apply. A standard assessment will be conducted by FUMUKU personnel during your trial period with your specific branch of the conglomerate. Note: There is an active blacklist which will prevent certain individuals from applying for a position with FUMUKU International; your credentials will be cross-referenced with this list in order to determine your eligibility for employment.

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2. New Office Block
We'd like to also announce the new makings of our new FUMUKU office complex. This superstructure has been established for a few weeks for testing purposes but it has now been officially cleared for public lease.  This particular structure will support government, businesses and visitors with a reception desk available in order request assistance from FUMUKU staff and services, whether they'd be for support or general inquiries regarding the FUMUKU conglomerate.

On top of this, we also have a new accommodation for the Legal Department located within the City, near the MTL building (unable to support picture at this time). The mission of this particular setting is to supply the civilian population and government with the best of FUMUKU's legal services. We have also supported civilians and companies with statutory issues where they were unable to handle certain cases with their current legal strategy, or just wanted further legal advisory and support.

[Image: 3B3BBC82D7F46041DBB88DFAF85028CBD408C9D5]

3. Applications

[Image: ZSHKa7F.png]
No current applications assessed.

[Image: 4WfYSUM.png]
No current applications assessed.

Remaining Applications pending:

4. Closing Notes
We will try to keep our visitors and employees up to date on all public information and the progress of various public works being undertaken by FUMUKU International and its associated partners. Thank you all so very much for reading.

Signing Officer:

[Image: ZhO5r27.png]

FUMUKU International
Department of Legal Resources
Clearence: B

Signing Director:
[Image: KlnYdZz.png]

FUMUKU International
Board of Directors / Editor-in-Chief
Clearance: A+