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Report on золотой дигл - Printable Version

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Report on золотой дигл - Rowie - Apr 2, 2016

Name of Player: золотой дигл

SteamID: What is their SteamID? STEAM_0:0:97982388

Server: Which server did it happen on? V33X

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) It happened around18:15 PM

Summary: I was witnessing a CDM when the Vice President ( IG name "Thea Savage" ) got Injured. Whilst the VP was down a Admin was called but did not respond. ( They were both busy at that time) After that, the Chef came and started punching and stepping on the Injured body ( Including punching me ) the VP then got killed. Told him over the mic to stop but he later on kept continuing( about 10 minutes after what happend )

Evidence: ( For some reason I cannot get a good quality  / open  the TGA files. I got two pictures now and the rest I will convert and add )

Album : Evidence

RE: Report on золотой дигл - Safira - Apr 3, 2016


Closing notes: Player was found guilty of Rule 19.1. Due to their low hours however they will receive a formal warning as opposed to a suspension.