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Report: Cate - Printable Version

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Report: Cate - Woxy - Apr 1, 2016

Name of Player: Cate

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65460229

Server: Rockford

Time: 1:58AM

Summary: Invalid job to hostage someone.


RE: Report: Cate - Cate - Apr 1, 2016

First off I was not hostaging, as I said, I was doing a citizen's arrest. As I had seen you do tons of damage to other people's vehicles. I had enough when I saw you do this to my vehicle. Your video withholds me doing a request to the police after roping you. You also had your job set to troll; That speaks for itself.
Screens of him minging with cars and other shenanigans:

RE: Report: Cate - Enzyme - Apr 1, 2016


- Why was your job "Troll"?
- Why were you ramming multiple vehicles?

The only rule-breakage I see in this thread is from you, MrKat.

You currently stand accused for:

Breaking rule 9.1
Breaking rule 17.8

Do not delete this PR or the video you uploaded. Doing so will be viewed upon as hiding/altering evidence and will lead in a suspension. 

RE: Report: Cate - Woxy - Apr 1, 2016

I was ramming other people's vehicles into the water.

RE: Report: Cate - Enzyme - Apr 1, 2016

Why was your job "Troll" and why did you ram cars in the water?

RE: Report: Cate - Woxy - Apr 1, 2016

I was trolling people...

RE: Report: Cate - Enzyme - Apr 2, 2016

Both denied and approved.
The accused player was not found guilty of breaking any rules
The OP (MrKat) was found guilty of breaking the rules.

MrKat has been issued a ban for: "FailRP, trolling people by ramming vehicles into the lake. Invalid job, only here to troll. 7th ban"
User has also been issued a vehicle blacklist for "randomly ramming into cars, trying to push them in lake to troll players. Big history of BLs"