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Report: TheCreeber - Printable Version

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Report: TheCreeber - Nebula - Mar 23, 2016

Name of Player: Report on TheCreeber

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:63009689 

Server: V33X

Time: 15:00-15:09 / 15:16

Summary: TheCreeber said (in OOC) i am an Idiot (i felt insulted) and then he said idiot just describes your Person (what insulted me even more). He said i am an idiot because i said "GG President "All police force stop shooting in jail" while there is a raid.

Apperantly, while still playing, TheCreeber wanted to revenge fist the guy who killed him (because he banned black mamba) then i wanted to arrset TheCreeber (Punching Suspect, Tresspassing).
I tazed him and got cuffs on him, so he rejoined.


RE: Report: TheCreeber - Voluptious - Mar 26, 2016

Approved on the base of reconnecting to avoid RP.

Permanent warning will be issued.

RE: Report: TheCreeber - Voluptious - Mar 26, 2016
