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Request on T0mAmEL0n - Printable Version

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Request on T0mAmEL0n - Crazy Goat - Mar 22, 2016

Name of Player: T0mAmEL0n
SteamID: What is their SteamID? STEAM_0:0:88857901

Server: Which server did it happen on? v33x

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) 16:49

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. General Fail Rp - Player in question was on police force i demoted him due to not following orders he rejoined after the timer ran out i demoted him again saying do not rejoin as long as i am police sgt you were demoted for a reason after this the player switched to vice president and demoted me after that he switched right to a gun dealer 

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.
other players i was in ts with have a picture of him on as vice pres after i got demoted and i have a picture of console of you have been demoted 

RE: Request on T0mAmEL0n - Daley - Mar 22, 2016

I was on the server when this happened. He became president with the soul purpose of demoting goat, then became a gun dealer.

RE: Request on T0mAmEL0n - Hank - Mar 22, 2016

This is true the player went to the Vice President job after being demoted from police officer and demoted CrazyGoat from Police Sergeant then had changed to a gun dealer

RE: Request on T0mAmEL0n - Brynn - Mar 24, 2016

Please provide evidence.

RE: Request on T0mAmEL0n - Voluptious - Mar 26, 2016

You have 24 hours to provide evidence.

RE: Request on T0mAmEL0n - Enzyme - Mar 27, 2016


User failed to provide evidence.