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Report: The British Detective - Printable Version

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Report: The British Detective - Woxy - Mar 16, 2016

Name of Player: The British Detective 

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41944093

Server: V33X

Time: 9:15PM

Summary: RDM


RE: Report: The British Detective - Crazy Goat - Mar 17, 2016

Involved ask any questions you need i was there when he killed him.
I went up to him ooc after he re-spawned and asked what his reason was and he said revolution and i told him that wasn't a reason and after that he disconnected
( I have photos of the log if you need them of him saying that and disconnecting)

RE: Report: The British Detective - Voluptious - Mar 26, 2016

TheBritishDetective has 24 hours to explain himself.

RE: Report: The British Detective - Obay - Mar 30, 2016

Due to the thread being locked since the 24 hours limit was initiated, I will apply an extension.
The player in question has until 03/31/16 - 8:34PM BST to input their view on the situation.

RE: Report: The British Detective - Safira - Apr 3, 2016


Closing notes: Evidence showed the player in question to randomly kill another player without reason. Because they failed to give reasons to justify their actions, a blacklist from weapons for 8 hours will be applied.