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Report on Dizerta - Printable Version

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Report on Dizerta - Notinuse123321123 - Mar 15, 2016

Name of Player: Dizerta

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54559962

Server: V33X

Time: 16:35

Summary: They had some hostages which I was looking at, while I was out driving. I wasn't getting taken myselves, and I was standing there for 5 minutes talking and having a good time.

Anyhow, an anarchist died behind me, and as he dropped his weapon, I was picking it up.

I turned around, walked to my car, when Dizerta screamed, and shot me blank.

I know that I stole a weapon, but you can't shoot someone like that, as far as I can remember.

I might be wrong, but I'll post it anyway.


RE: Report on Dizerta - Nacreas - Mar 17, 2016

Accused player has twenty four hours to respond.

RE: Report on Dizerta - Voluptious - Mar 26, 2016


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