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Report on ✪ LeddiMeister - Printable Version

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Report on ✪ LeddiMeister - Notinuse123321123 - Mar 15, 2016

Name of Player:  ✪ LeddiMeister

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:147917481

Server: V33X

Time: 16:20-16:25

Summary: I was spectating an arrest of an anarchist, when suddenly Leddimeister shot him for no particular reason while he had handcuffs on.


RE: Report on ✪ LeddiMeister - Enzyme - Mar 16, 2016


It's hard to say why the first shot was fired, if it was a miss-click or what, but the rest of the video shows that the officer was missusing his firearm.

A 5h w blacklist has been issued to LeddiMeister.
Player Nudelsalat has been issued a 1d ban for failRP for assaulting an armed officer as a citizen without a sufficient RP reason.