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Report: Inbex - Printable Version

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Report: Inbex - Mustang - Mar 13, 2016

Name of Player: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][L²:RP] Inbex

SteamID: What is their SteamID? [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif][b]STEAM_0:0:99534359[/font][/b]

Server: Which server did it happen on? 33X

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) 12

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Using props to reach rooftops.

Evidence: Screenshots:

RE: Report: Inbex - Safira - Mar 14, 2016


Closing notes: Player was found guilty of rule 6.7; A suspension from props, entities and physgun will be applied for 4 hours.