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Player Report of : Fluffy Raven and Klaidasskrebys - Printable Version

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Player Report of : Fluffy Raven and Klaidasskrebys - Antwon6262 - Mar 6, 2016

Name of Player: Klaidasskrebys and Fluffy Raven

SteamID: Fluffy Raven- [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]STEAM_0:0:92125635  Klaidasskrebys-[/font]STEAM_0:0:81732135

Server: v33x

Time:  2:15am

Summary: I was trying to play they was tazing me and shooting me for no reason they were also propspamming only have proof of RDM.and yes bambo recorded to i asked him to stop shooting in bambos second video 

Evidence: Evidence -

RE: Player Report of : Fluffy Raven and Klaidasskrebys - Bambo - Mar 6, 2016

klaidasskrebys STEAM_0:0:81732135

Fluffy Raven STEAM_0:0:92125635

If someone wants my previous post on here also I can post it, as he has deleted that one.

RE: Player Report of : Fluffy Raven and Klaidasskrebys - Safira - Mar 6, 2016


Closing notes: Both players were found to be ignoring NLR by repeatedly killing and tazing Antwon6262. They have also been found to have heavily abused the tools given to them as police: as such a suspension from said tools will be issued.

Although they did not die, you dying implies that you're a new character, and hence they have no reason to be arresting/tazing you 5 seconds after you die.

However, I found something interesting whilst going through the logs:

Quote:v33x [03:09:39] Antwon6262 (STEAM_0:1:81763376) said: /team 1
v33x [03:09:42] Antwon6262 (STEAM_0:1:81763376) has spawned as President
v33x [03:09:52] Antwon6262 (STEAM_0:1:81763376) said: /demote 541
v33x [03:09:59] Antwon6262 (STEAM_0:1:81763376) said: /demote 574
v33x [03:10:02] Fluffy Raven (STEAM_0:0:92125635) has spawned as Citizen
v33x [03:10:14] klaidasskrebys (STEAM_0:0:81732135) has spawned as Citizen
v33x [03:11:10] Antwon6262 (STEAM_0:1:81763376) said: /broadcast HAHA YOU SHITS

You have powergamed to backseat administrate and break NLR. As such you will also receive a suspension: we expect you to abide by the rules and not fight fire with fire.