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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - ChaoticFuzionz - Mar 1, 2016

Your Name: ChaoticFuzionz

Ban ID: 2111

Banned by: [L²]George

Server: V33X

Ban Reason: Hacking

Why should you be unbanned?: I've been apart of the server for almost over 200 hours ig time, I have never hacked in my life I will admit I did self supply when I was on the server alone but I haven't hacked in my life, i've loved the server to much and I have no clue how to hack, All I do is when everyone is offline and I go on myself and I woodcutt and grind money that's all, I have never hacked on the server and I will put in an Admin abuse on
[L²]George as he also banned my friend for hacks when he doesn't, Please unban me i'm a loyal player and have never hacked, plus why would I hack on a server myself and what type of hacks was he claiming I had?

Evidence: I have no evidence, why would I record on the server when there wasn't anyone on besides me.

RE: Unban Request - George - Mar 1, 2016

Hello, ChaoticFuzionz,

While doing a routine check of players on our server, I noticed you had accessed a tool limited only to developers. Therefore, you were permanently banned.

RE: Unban Request - ChaoticFuzionz - Mar 1, 2016

What tool exactly? And the only things I had was a Artic Warfare sniper and my Modern Axe so you are lying, I would like to see the evidence of me using this tool then, So I take it you randomly banned my friend for using this imaginary tool too?

RE: Unban Request - Voluptious - Mar 1, 2016

Add me on steam.

RE: Unban Request - George - Mar 2, 2016

Appeal reviewed and denied. The ban on ChaoticFuzionz (STEAM_0:0:153416383) will stand as issued.

Closing notes:

Evidence of hacking was discovered and therefore a permanent ban was issued. Due to security reasons, the method used to detect the hack can not be disclosed.

[This case has been reviewed by two supervising administrators - both agree a permanent ban is justified]

[L²] George
Limelight Administrator