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Python BR - Printable Version

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Python BR - adammccoll21 - Feb 6, 2016

Name of Player: PyThon

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47537763

Server: V33X

Time: What time did it happen? 11pm (scotland)

Summary: Python decided to attempt to break Metagame, By asking me to change job to mechanic to do his car up. This is not the first time this player has either committed a simple rule, The other day he failed to comply with an RP (The RP consisted of bombs blowing up, which he was in the building as I had a camera and he attempted to propblock it, but failed. So I saw him and I put out an advert stating '*An Explosion is heard as the bank explodes*". I then confronted him and he then tried to explain that he was not in the building - Sorry just thought i'd add that)

Evidence: [Image: kdXxkgO.png?1]

RE: Python BR - Enzyme - Feb 6, 2016

I do not see this case as an issue when it comes to any rules. It appears that the accused player approaches you OOCly.
This is not an issue that requires a player-report, as it's far from a big issue. As I see it, the accused player is not in violation with any rules. He did not go mechanic himself to "pimp" his car (which would be powergaming) and he has not meta-gamed in any way that ruins RP nor gives him an unfair advantage. He merely sent you a question which you were free to decide on.
