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Unban Request - Printable Version

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Unban Request - TBDino - Jan 31, 2016

Your Name: What is your name? Caroline

 Ban ID: What is your Ban ID? [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]1761[/font]

 Banned by: Who issued the ban? Please include the [L²]/[L²:M] tag. [L²] Brynn

 Server: Which server did it happen on, V33X or Rockford? V33X

 Ban Reason: What was the exact reason for the ban? FearRP

 Why should you be unbanned?: Why do you think you deserve/should be unbanned? FearRP should never have occurred; considering it follows the rule breaking of another player who broke  NLR x3 and called the cops over to our compound doesn't really make sense because they are dead and shouldn't know our location. If the person knew what was inside the compound then he should never have got back in the compound after death considering it was locked. Sort it out please. This was the one time where I was trying to remain obedient and subtle in the server, why even such an extended ban? 

If I was told to remain still I could not hear the people with 10+ other people around there shooting and speaking at the same time.

RE: Unban Request - Brynn - Feb 1, 2016

I told you several times over voice to step outside the ambulance, as you failed to acknowledge what i was saying, i reminded you in Local OOC, and then gave you a order ICly.

[Image: 5dc5d25881c00bdf1188281ee645e348.png]

I'd also like to point out, you was hiding in a part of the ambulance which was no collided with players, so that I could not see you, but unfortunately, i saw you ran to that no collided part.

Finally, the ban was extended because you have 15 hours, and 9 bans on your record which shows us staff, you have no respect for our rules, hense the long extension.

RE: Unban Request - Brynn - Feb 7, 2016

After reading your PM, I banned you because YOU broke a rule, just because others break rules does not allow you to break rules.


When you come back, consider reading the rules. 9 bans in 15 hours is not good, next will be a perm ban.

[L²] Brynn