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PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Printable Version

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PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Decay - Jan 19, 2016

Name of Player: Corrupted Potato

SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:95588084

Server: Rockford

Time: 10:15 (ish) GMT+1

Summary: I was building my little junkie HQ when this dude walks up to me and hit me over the head with a bat a few times. (he basically admitted to it in LOOC) He tried to justify it and then called me a idiot in LOOC


Whole convo

RE: PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Voluptious - Jan 19, 2016

Why did you attempt to kidnap him?

RE: PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Decay - Jan 19, 2016

He attempted to kidnap me, I was just standing around building

RE: PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Voluptious - Jan 19, 2016

Yes, @Ollie , I want to know WHY.

RE: PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Decay - Jan 19, 2016

Well I dont know

RE: PR: Corrupted Potatoe - Safira - Jan 20, 2016


Closing notes:

Evidence was deemed sufficient to show no valid reason for the player Corrupted Potato to kidnap the victim. There was no provocation which would have made the victim a viable ransom, and as such there was no proper RP reason to kidnap them.

Player was also found guilty of insulting in ooc.

As such, a 5 hour weapons blacklist and 30 minute OOC blacklist will be applied.