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Player Report: Gino Lo Spazzino - Printable Version

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Player Report: Gino Lo Spazzino - Decay - Jan 6, 2016

Name of Player: Gino Lo Spazzio

SteamID: [font=Verdana]STEAM_0:1:66372203[/font]

Server: 33x

Time: Cannot recall, sorry.

Summary: I belive the player was violating rule 7.6 (Between 2 doors, there must be a space of at least 2 metres (2 PHX units)) [font=Calibri, Verdana, Arial]s). [/font]


RE: Player Report: Gino Lo Spazzino - Voluptious - Jan 6, 2016

Were Gino La Spazzino warned before you made this player report? By you or by anyone else?

RE: Player Report: Gino Lo Spazzino - Safira - Jan 6, 2016


Closing notes: Player was found guilty of rule 7.6. Suspension from Phygun, Toolgun and Entities for 15 hours.
Player was already warned earlier today by me about another structure in violation of prop-rules; they claimed to have knowledge on the subject and therefore should not be knowingly breaking said rules.