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Going for a while ;( - Printable Version

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Going for a while ;( - Chosen - Dec 25, 2015

Iam going for like 10 days or 12 because i have fianal exams but after i have a 2 weeks off i will be in server for alot of time that while, But i will be in fourms evreyday.

#Pray for Chosen KuN

RE: Going for a while ;( - Bambo - Dec 25, 2015

*Bambo prays*

Good luck with your exams man!

Also, by Venom's definition,"This sub-forum is here to notify the community that you are leaving forever or for an extended period of time. Please don't use it if it's just for a short duration." In my opinion 10 days is a short duration.

RE: Going for a while ;( - Chosen - Dec 25, 2015
