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Report On Dr.Steven - Printable Version

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Report On Dr.Steven - jazzo - Dec 21, 2015

Name of Player: Dr.Steven

SteamID: What is their SteamID? STEAM_0:1:63620237

Server: Which server did it happen on? Semi serious roleplay

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) around 13:00 GMT

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. broke nlr and fail rp
There was a incident before where i accidently ran this player over in a car  i did get warned for it and after the admin sit 
he decided to abuse his job as a police officer to come and randomly raid me for no reason at all , arrest me and then continues to deny it is breaking rules.

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures.

I wasn't recording and i cant get evidence of it seeing as i cant see logs.

How to find a SteamID

1. When you are in game, type "status" into console and find the player's name. Next to their name should be something that looks like "STEAM_0:1:038135

2. If you have their community profile,

RE: Report On Dr.Steven - AlQuackbir - Dec 21, 2015

What happened:

Me and my fellow colleagues were in a meeting, when Abu was shouting disrespect at us, he was later arrested and then once released he continued to disrespect us, in which I chased him when he was in his car and I said "Get out of the car or you're breaking FearRP" when I aimed my glock at him, he reserved and ran me over, the situation was dealt by Betty and I asked if my NLR could be voided - so I could retrieve my car and she agreed to it - later on my patrol I came across the same car that the suspect who threw disrespect at the officers was reported in escaping, I then RPed calling in the number plate and blah blah blah, in which I then got insulted from his house in which he said "piggy fuck" or something along the lines, I went round up to his door and finding all his information from his previous arrest, his car and such I got a warrant, entered his home and tazed him, he then used his alt account "Jazzo" and then began to hit me in which I tazed the account and then got a warrant for arrest on them both.

In no way did I broke NLR or FailRP due to all my actions were in IC, I have a screenshot where he later broke FearRP and this can be backed up by the Admin Maniac.
Which he also later started to speak very aggresive to Maniac.
[Image: cAzT7kE.png]

RE: Report On Dr.Steven - Brynn - Dec 21, 2015

Original Poster has 24 hours to provide evidence or it will be denied.

RE: Report On Dr.Steven - Brynn - Dec 21, 2015

Seen as you said you cant get evidence, as you wasn't recording. This will be denied.
