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John Lewis is back and right in the feels - Printable Version

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John Lewis is back and right in the feels - Safira - Dec 8, 2015

Yep, John Lewis hasn't disappointed this year with a heartstring tugging (if not longwinded to say the least, as usual) Christmas advert this year...

For anybody who doesn't know, John Lewis has developed a reputation for producing Christmas adverts which can hit you right where it hurts: the feels.

Personal Favourite straight outta 2011

And some others:

Give someone the gift of crying this Christmas.

RE: John Lewis is back and right in the feels - Blurr - Dec 8, 2015

Love the John Lewis adverts, great to see one come round every year! Always to amaze us!

RE: John Lewis is back and right in the feels - Brynn - Dec 8, 2015

Aldi's advert was the best.

RE: John Lewis is back and right in the feels - Brennan - Dec 8, 2015