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PR on Fucking Smoke-EZ - Printable Version

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PR on Fucking Smoke-EZ - Marcus - Dec 3, 2015

Failure to follow template will result in the ban request getting denied
Name of Player: Fucking™Smoke-EZ

SteamID: What is their SteamID?

Server: Which server did it happen on? V33X

Time: What time did it happen? (In GMT) GMT +1:00

Summary: Give us context and what rules they broke. Prop Surfing And Props On the road

Evidence: Put anything here that would support your claims like a video or pictures. This Is THe Steam Id STEAM_0:1:11342645

RE: PR on Fucking Smoke-EZ - Safira - Dec 4, 2015


Closing notes: Evidence was deemed insufficient; no identification was visible.