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Unblacklist on 33x NLR Spawning - Printable Version

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Unblacklist on 33x NLR Spawning - Arch.B - Nov 15, 2015

Your Name: What is your name?

Issued by: [L²] Pinky

Blacklist ID: 62545

Server: 33x

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I Spawn in the nexus and lots of people were randomly raiding and RDMing in nexus with no reason

Evidence: None

Re: Unblacklist on 33x NLR Spawning - Pinky - Nov 15, 2015

Yes you spawn in the nexus you should just leave the nexsus asap when you respawned there not just run araound like a maniac.

I watched over abit and you just ran araound like a maniac as ive said. Next time just Run out of the nexsus. If you die then again run somewhere else or contact an admin.  And another statment of why you got a blacklist is that you opened fire in the same raid you just died in.

Case denied