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Report on Petteri R - Printable Version

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Report on Petteri R - Indigo - Nov 6, 2015

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26518787


Time: 18:25 Londen Time 05/11/2015

Summary: NLR/Mass RDM/Fail RP


Re: Report on Petteri R - Safira - Nov 6, 2015


Player in question will receive suspension from the Police Officer job and weapons, due to abusing the given tools.
Insufficient evidence was provided to prove the player in question broke NLR.

Please note that baiting the player into breaking rules (shown at 0:50) and calling him a "Fucking idiot" is not appreciated and does not help the player at all. I understand your frustration but try to refrain from interacting with threats of punishment and try to help them instead.