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BR - Addictz - Printable Version

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BR - Addictz - LemonGamer - Nov 2, 2015

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142960071

Server: V2D

Time: 1:16 PM Brussel

Summary: Speaking another Language in OOC Rule 5.2


Re: BR - Addictz - Safira - Nov 2, 2015


Closing notes: Player has enough experience with the server (based on their hours) to know that only English is allowed in Out-Of-Character (OOC) chat. Suspension from OOC access will be applied for 30 minutes.

This is a minor rule break as for the most part the player did speak in English.
We ask that next time rather than threaten a Player Report on a player if they break a small rule such as this, you explain to them that it is not allowed and let them learn; this improves the experience of everybody.

Re: BR - Addictz - Obay - Nov 4, 2015
