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Chocolate Labrador's Unban request - Printable Version

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Chocolate Labrador's Unban request - Labrador - Nov 1, 2015

Your Name: Chocolate Labrador

Ban ID: 1047

Banned by: [L²] Rocket

Server: v2d

Ban Reason: Misuse of Props (6.1) Prop-pushing, Killing. You should know better

Why should you be unbanned?: Mis-Use, I didn't cause problems for no body but surely shouldn't a teacher such as LivKX who previously was minging be banned for the same reason, I will agree that I was minging but only till the event started would I have actually started roleplaying and done something. Logs can back that with it that I did such but LivKX has killed multiple people but contacted Rocket to extent.

Evidence: Logs; I wasn't meaning to overall ruin anyone's experience but such LivKX previously was doing so.

This is my attempt at this; It's ridiculous to think that Teachers can get away with this especially as LivKX and Blurr did it previously.

Re: Chocolate Labrador's Unban request - Raptor - Nov 1, 2015

This isn't really an unban request.

You're not asking to be unbanned you're asking for another player to get banned. Post a player report not an unban request, Liv wasn't the person who contacted me about you it was someone else.
