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BR on Mikepro67 and danerdaner2003 - Printable Version

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BR on Mikepro67 and danerdaner2003 - Chosen - Oct 30, 2015

Name of Player: Mikepro67

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117268747

Server: V33x

Time: I don't really Know.

Summary: First of all i went to the gas station to give me car some gas Then Mikepro and danerdaner2003 stoped me and told to pay 500 after 2 sec or less i was typing the command and mikepro67 Just shooted me he did't gave me the time to give him the money he only gave me 2sec or less so iam not that fast,If any admin can check the logs it will be great But i don't remember the time it was after the RP event maybe for a couple hours like 2 or around it.


Re: BR on Mikepro67 and danerdaner2003 - Taylor - Oct 30, 2015


Yes, those two were being minges all night, Daner breaking FearRP when I mugged him. BTW the time was around 12:20pm GMT.

Re: BR on Mikepro67 and danerdaner2003 - Safira - Oct 30, 2015


Insufficient evidence to support report.