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Report: jakey9lives - Printable Version

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Report: jakey9lives - sebasti161 - Oct 12, 2015

Name of Player: jakey9lives

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86332766

Server: v33x

Summary: The person has been minging on the server, becoming president to put arrest warrant on me, calling me a twat in ooc, and much more. Sadly I've only got evidence for the calling me a twat part. I do expect another person to post some evidence too, so thats great.

Evidence: [Image: E2C6C1564B30A0265964E2DC318312CBB1AEEF5F]

Re: Report: jakey9lives - Brynn - Oct 12, 2015


The evidence is pretty clear to me, (Logs and evidence shown), that accused player (Jakey9lives, STEAM_0:1:86332766), did in fact insult you.

Violated Rule : "1.4 Do not insult players or staff in Out-Of-Character chats."

If you both have issue with each other, you do not need to carry it over into OOC. A 4 Hour OOC blacklist will be issued.

LimeLightGaming Administration Team. - [b] [L²] Brynn