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Meth Refund - Printable Version

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Meth Refund - Fruito - Oct 6, 2015

I was on the V2d server making meth when it decided to crash, thus loosing all of my equipment and resources etc.  Links to the screenshot on my steam account. In the screenshot you can see my:
Chemical tank = $10000
Stove = $7500
Chemical Glass = $8000
All the pots = $750 each Totaling $2250
Box of sulfuric acid and redP = $2500 +  $500
3xboxes of Aluminium (the recipe was for 7k, you can see 6xxx in the tank and they come in boxes of 2500, so some was still in the box)
A barrel of Methylamine ($2500) which is directly behind me and 2 tanks of cyrfuthlrin ($1200 each) next to the box of aluminium. (Yes these aren't in my screenshot but may be in Frostys who is also posting his stuff which is all behind me).
So all in all, around 33k of equipment + 1.5 scrap.

A refund would be greatly appreciated.

Gyazo of the same image:

Re: Meth Refund - Frosty2255 - Oct 6, 2015

Hello I was making meth in Fruito's house and I also lost my meth equipment

As you can see, my stuff is separate from Fruito's stuff as my stuff is on the other side of the room.

I lost everything apart from the chemical tank as that blew up.

Re: Meth Refund - Fruito - Oct 7, 2015

Is the refund in money form or item based? Since I was going to re-buy my equipment in case the chemical recipe is good, as i don't want to miss out on it.