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blacklisted for doing my job (AalexX203) - Printable Version

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blacklisted for doing my job (AalexX203) - AalexX203 - Sep 12, 2015

Your Name: my steam name is AalexX203

Issued by: [L²] Temar
Blacklist ID:  61795

Server:  evo city v33x

Why should you be unblacklisted?: i was a paramedic and i was next to a tunnel on the other side of the tunnel there was a fire and people were dying i needed to get to them i asked a cop if i could borrow his car he said yes he was next to the car i used it to go to the other side of the tunnel i helped the people and an admin rightfully asked me why am i in a cop car i told him people were injured and the guy let me borrow it he was mumbling because my speakers were playing up i said pardon over and over so i asked him to type he then tp away and that was the end of it i tried to get in my ambulance after i walked a long time to get into it said i was blacklisted for 4 hours this is far to harsh and unfair as i was doing my job as a paramedic and got blacklisted for it plz help Sad
Evidence: sorry i don't have any this was unexpected

Re: blacklisted for doing my job (AalexX203) - Temar - Sep 29, 2015

He reported it as stolen so to me that isnt having permission