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RaMe's unblacklist request - Printable Version

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RaMe's unblacklist request - RaMe - Sep 3, 2015

Your name: RaMe*

Issued by: [L²] General Rickets

Server: v33x

Why should you be unblacklisted?: So I had a pretty OP base, I was talking to general rickets, he said: Give me a reason to prove its not OP or unraidable. Then when he and his gang raided us we won. I said in OOC: "Prove what xD" Then he gave me a blacklist in OOC for 10 hours. 10 damn hours. I mean sure if it was 1. But the thing is i was not really provoking as he said. I was saying it as a joke. And thought he would take it as a joke. He also warned me before aswell for provoking when a rekt ousmn.

Evidence: :/

Re: RaMe's unblacklist request - General Rickets - Sep 3, 2015

So you did provoke in OOC after a warning which stated the punishment which would be handed out.

You were aware of the punishment and did it anyway, my logic in hoping you wouldn't do it again when knowing the punishment was wrong.

I see no reason for a unblacklist

Re: RaMe's unblacklist request - RaMe - Sep 3, 2015

I didnt know that was provoking. I wasnt really mean Sorry. Please give me another chance. i wont do it again

Re: RaMe's unblacklist request - Nacreas - Sep 29, 2015
