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Sauce's Explanation - Printable Version

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Sauce's Explanation - AwesomeSauce - Sep 2, 2015

Your Name: [L²:RP] Awesome Sauce

Ban ID: 667

Banned by: [L²] Pinky

Server: V2D

Ban Reason: Backseat admin Propkilling.

Why should you be unbanned?: Okay, so to start, yes I know I broke the rules.

However, I'd like to explain my side of the story, regardless of wether this is approved or denied.

I had just finished building my house near the tunnel, and the gun dealer comes up to me and starts shooting his MP5, trying to kill me. I eventually managed to trap him in my house, and I looked at the scoreboard. Since there were no admins online (or so I thought, since I didn't see any of the "symbols" on the scoreboard, since pinky was undercover) I complained in OOC, to get attention from players. However, this guy was still going hard on the trigger with no signs of stopping, shooting through walls and shit. Now this is where my mistake was made:

I was already almost dead, so I wouldn't have time to gather evidence for a Player Report before he killed me, and since were no admins on (Once again, so i thought) sending a @ message would be useless, and in the time it would take to type it out, I could be dead.

I was concerned that I could die, and at the same time I was nervous and extremely mad. That influenced my decision, causing a lapse in my judgement. That was the mistake. So, I spawned one of my cars in front of the house, and put a prop in front of it. I opened the door, and when the gun dealer came out I pushed the car into him, killing him. Once I had gotten rid of him, I quickly grabbed his gun (not that it matters).

And immediately after that, Pinky, who was at the time undercover, appeared in front of me and said something like "You did not seriously just do that", shortly after that I was banned.

I admit that I knew better, and there is no good excuse for what I did. However, I was under pressure and I wanted to avoid dying, and get rid of this minge at the same time (which is all I wanted to do, I get no pleasure from propkilling people.), so I did the only thing I *thought* I could have done at the moment.

Anyway, I got a 3 day ban, which is fair on its own, however seeing as I also have a 6 hour PTE blacklist, it seems a bit harsh, especially for my first ban, seeing as most bans are around 24 hours, and I've seen people get 1 day bans for much worse things (i.e. shooting the president as cop, etc.). Yes, I know part of the reason for the ban length was my hour count, and the fact that I knew better, however, like I said previously, my decision was heavily influenced by the fact that I didn't see any admins on the server.

If I knew of the presence of an admin, I would have used @ immediately, instead of writing an OOC message and attempting to take the problem into my own hands. That is the main thing I want to point out in this post.

Evidence: Well you can check the logs for the time I was banned, but the only "evidence" is the fact that I posted an OOC message instead of making a @ request, which only proves that I was unaware of a staff member's presence.

Re: Sauce's Explanation - Pinky - Sep 2, 2015

Sadly i dont see why this should be approved. Keep in mind to next time do not take it in to your own hands.

When you send and @ call on 2d all admins on 33x or 2d can see them so sending @ calls arent pointless. If you see that there isnt anyone on just add to the @ call no admins on <-
