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Player Report: BOT Jer - Printable Version

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Player Report: BOT Jer - RiceFields21 - Sep 2, 2015

Name of Player: BOT Jer

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93949226

Server: v2d

Summary: Self Resupply and Random Search Warrant to send us to jail, he knew I would make a PR. He was a Gun Dealer to buy some weapons for himself. After that he changed to Doctor, probably to buy Medical Supplies. But what he did next is worse. He changed to Police to raid us.


Re: Player Report: BOT Jer - RadioactiveGamingPie - Sep 2, 2015


-Raided the Corleone Villa as a Cop, claiming he saw Contra. Would like to see a Screenshot of that...
-Killed me, and then warranted me, destroying all my Contra, didn't unwarrant afterwards.
-Got killed by a BMD (CDM) (No proof on that)
-Saw me chopping wood, arrested me on sight, when he forgot to remove my warrant. Didn't have time to speak


Re: Player Report: BOT Jer - Jericho - Sep 4, 2015

Re: Player Report: BOT Jer - Raptor - Sep 5, 2015

Player report reviewed and approved.

I understand BOT Jer's argument about switching jobs and self-supplying because no one online with that job which is fine in some cases but the way he did was clearly powergaming. You (BOT Jer) went gun dealer got guns then switched to doctor to get health kits and then went to police sergeant so you could raid them which is clearly powergaming.

I understand he had a valid RP reason to raid which was the contraband from the picture that Jericho provided but the switching jobs was all powergaming.

Job Rule (9.7)