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Report on Steve Martin/ callumcoolking :^) - Printable Version

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Report on Steve Martin/ callumcoolking :^) - Kobioneeye - Aug 31, 2015

Name of Player: Steve Martin / callumcoolking :^)

SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:114643775

Server:  LimeLight [EvoCity_v33x] [Semi-Serious Roleplay] [FASTDL]

Summary: He starting coming up to my friends and I and was trying to taze us eventually trying to kill us and then when we started defending ourselves by shooting at him then locking us in our store he begins prop blocking the doors. After about 10mins of this happening he stops then says sorry trying to make us forgive him after we lost guns and such, we then said to him we are reporting him to staff. After we threaten him with that he runs to the tunnel and start propblocking knowing that he can't get out of what he had done.


I did not get any evidence of him RDMing us but I do have Bunny Lmao and the other Kobi on limelight to back up these reports

Re: Report on Steve Martin/ callumcoolking :^) - Kobi Blade - Aug 31, 2015

I was at a gun store, and this cop came by and hit me, I knock him out with a bat (I was playing as Outlaw) and warn him not to mess with me.

The owner of the store ends up killing him, not taking lightly to all the violence in his store.

Then the cop comes back, breaking NLR, and starts tazing and shooting everyone, and this went on for two/tree times at least, he ended up blocking the city tunnel with giant props.

Re: Report on Steve Martin/ callumcoolking :^) - Safira - Aug 31, 2015


Player will be suspended from their Physics gun, Tool gun and Prop access for 8 hours for breaking rules regarding prop blocking/general prop abuse [Rule 6.2, 6.8].

Thank you for your report.