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Player Report: [L²:RP] [P:SA] Lizard - Printable Version

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Player Report: [L²:RP] [P:SA] Lizard - BasicallyMental - Aug 22, 2015

Name of Player: [L²:RP] [P:SA] Lizard

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104890349

Server: v2d

Summary: I was doing a raid and while going through, I saw what I though was a doomfort.


[Image: 81sIvTV.jpg]

Re: Player Report: [L²:RP] [P:SA] Lizard - Nacreas - Aug 22, 2015

This player approached me in-game and showed me the dupe. This dupe is not in conflict with any rules from my observation of it.
