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Ban request on Araben - Printable Version

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Ban request on Araben - Norik_Syan - Aug 22, 2015

Name of Player: Araben

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:117268747

Server: v2d

Summary: He put the gun on me, then I started to rp:
He: 500 NOW.
Me: okay okay
Me: don't killĀ  me please
Me: /dropmoney 500
Then I showed him money and got bullet in my head. This guy RDMed me.


Re: Ban request on Araben - Jonataane - Aug 23, 2015

I don't know the guy but to be fair he fair he may of not seen the money being dropped and expected a /givemoney command. That's what I make out of it anyway.