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Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Printable Version

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Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Askasta - Aug 19, 2015

Name of Player: [L²:RP] Nyaaaaan :3

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52154570

Server: evocity x33

Summary: I Catched Nyan Multitimes how he broke rules behind admin's back i posted an PR on him
but he was my friend and i gave him another chance everyone deserve another chance but he was still harassing me
in the skype calls and didnt change his self and i had enough with him he is a bad guy. I got Blacklists and banns too and stuff
but i did deserve that and i accept all of them. I dont care what he gonna answer in some of the screens you can see really see it and
lieing wont help him anymore. He Reached his point he even harassed my little brother who is 2 years old.

Lets Come to the Point i want to report Him for 3 Rule Breaking stuff
Down for more Information

Nyaaaaan you had your chance and im really disappointed of you and i dont give a Damn about the clan anymore ill just join one and earn my place over there


1.Trying to PropKill an GunDealer wich tryed to defend his self with a bat. He didnt die
First Nyan was spawing some chocolate eggs and made some jokes about it after that he tryed to kill the gundealer
with a pizza box he even tryed to lift him up wich he almost made it.


2.He was a Rebel Me too we was neighbrothers i was building i think lets say i was trying to do something and he wanted me to open the door
(we was even skyping) i said No he answers Than ill come that way (something like that not this btw we was talking german). He spawned an Car Seat
and gave it No Colision and glitched it in my door wich you can see in the wonderfull screens i made.


2. He was President and Cdmed Two People i dont think it was reckless driving. The First CDM he Drives Directy into the sidewalk and rammes a citzten over
the bushes to front of american bank. After that he drives direction of Back street apartments but not going forward he Drives Backwirds into the Sidewalk Again
and Rammes another guy after that the server crashed.


Re: Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Nyoob - Aug 19, 2015

1. Read old thread. Didnt try to propkill him.
2. I did that because he didnt want to open the door because he was picking up money from his printers and said "do the chair thing again". Then i did it. Then he didnt let me out again, so i just gliched out then. I think he said that so he can make screenshots of it, dont know.
3. It was lagging as hell. Server got DDoSed i guess. Everyone online at this time can confirm that.

So. You can be really happy that i didnt make screenshots of things you have done. Seriously. You are breaking rules all day long, and when i tell you that you are not allowed to make one-way props, you are just RDMing me. Be happy that im not an asshole like you and post a ban request. But i will in future. I think i even got some Videos from ~3 days ago ^^ Ill look into it.

So at the admins: Today i´ve based with Yagmi. We had Contra. Then his friend (was SWAT) just came in and looked at our contra. Then he was going out again. I killed the SWAT and then got flamed that i did RDM. But that wasnt RDM. He saw our contra and knew to much. I dont care if it was for "Fun". If i didnt kill him i´d have broken the rules. And i dont want a ban. So i did that. Then they were insulting me and flaming me because i was following the rules. Then they ended the Skype Call we had. I blocked them. Just an explanation why he postet the Ban Request.

Re: Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Askasta - Aug 19, 2015

1. Your tryed to propkill him ? .....

2.Woha why your need to lie ? i didnt say to the chair thing again ? what the hell your just came in when i said no your still done it ?

3. The Lag was really thats why crash

and the swat thing what your flamming about ? i didnt broke any Rule it was parasyte not me ? so why da hell your involving this in here ?

again to that rebel thing i didnt say to the chair thing again your came in with that damn Car seat because i dont wanted to open MY DOOR and when i SAID no THANS IT MEANS NO ?

Re: Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Nyoob - Aug 19, 2015

1. I didnt. I even thought i wasnt able to propkill at that time. Untill i found out in the Nexus :/
2. Im not lying. You are lying here. You said that. I can remember. You can be happy i deleted all the recordings.
3. ...
4. Im not flaming here. You guys are flaming. I just said that it was the reason why you made that Ban Request. You made a ban request because i followed the rules. Wow.

Re: Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Askasta - Aug 19, 2015

at that swat time your done it right its okey but your still didnt change your self  your still insulting me many times and sometimes you reaching points this is going nowhere ill wait till an adminstraitor/Moderator/Supporter/Owner Says Something

Re: Another PR on Nyaaaaan Wich Dosent get Deleted - Mahti - Aug 21, 2015

Player report approved. Reminding that even if the server or you are lagging you're still responsible for any CDM.